Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Non-Cooking Adventures

Yes, I realize it's July 5.  Yes, I realize I haven't posted anything since the chicken casserole dinner in March.  Yes, I've failed miserably of cooking something from the recipe boxes every week.  But, I have had some great adventures in between!

March was spent with some travels to Texas.  I had the opportunity to check out the southwest part of the state.  Highlight of the trip:  seeing my first armadillo roadkill!

Actually, this was from a second trip
out, since I missed the first guy.
I brought in April by heading to the Maxium Yield show in Denver, CO with Emily Walter.  While not as insane as the San Francisco show last year, there was still a good turnout.  Shout out to Humboldt Wholesale for an awesome industry party!
Can you tell it's a hydro show?

I flew straight to Boston for some sales training, and learned how to get from Point A to Point B.  And then I took the train to NYC to spend a few days with my sister.  If you make it out there any time soon, I HIGHLY recommend seeing "Avenue Q" off Broadway.  Wow!  I hadn't laughed so hard in ages!!

Some other highlights of the NYC trip included seeing the Statue of Liberty (from Liberty Park, tickets were pretty much sold out).  But, I did make it up to the top of the Empire State Building.

From NYC I head to Kansas City, MO for the annual NAMA convention.  While we didn't win any national awards this year, it was still a great trip.  I even managed to snag a free ride in a Hummer limo and had it all to myself!  That's good stuff right there.

After a brief visit home, I headed back to Texas for a couple more client visits and a little bit of house scouting.  I had a pretty good time, and really, one can't argue with field fresh watermelon:

Desperately trying not
to drip down my shirt!
Dennis W. enjoying a fresh slice.

May brought another trip out to Texas.  I snagged my great new house in Boerne, TX and I started wrapping things up at home.  

June brought about my going away shin-dig, in which I cleared out the freezer.  I cooked up my ducks,  pheasants and chukars, and served them up to everyone.  Despite the torrential downpour (WTH Mother Nature?!), I had a great time, and loved seeing everyone before the move.

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