Grab your napkins! Grab your milk! Now sit down and get ready to be...COOKIED!!! Okay, so the deep stadium announcer voice doesn't quite translate into cookies. Maybe if it was read with an Iron Chef announcer voice?
Either way, I'm holding a battle of the Honey Cookies. A quick dash to the store to get said honey (side note: there are 8 fluid ounces in a cup, in case you ever need to know) I started round one of the Honey Cookie Battle (HCB). And now for Cookie Number 1:
1. Use a lot of honey.
That's 8 fluid ounces (1 cup)
of pure, raw honey.
2. Mix in butter and eggs...
Fail: Mixing by hand |
3. Become smarter about mixing...
For the Win: Hand mixer! |
(Baker's note: Not the best batter in the world. Or maybe it is if you like honey.
I started to have serious doubts about honey cookies at this point.)
4. Figuring out when to add that "7 cups of flour more or less"
Rolling out the dough... |
Fail. |
Adding more flour.... |
Success! |
It just feels odd using a dog bone cookie cutter for human cookies. So I went with the trusty circle (a la wine glass).
(Baker's note: Still not a fan of the batter, even with the additional flour.
Still having some doubts about the viability of the cookies).
And with a quick 15 minutes later..
The first batch! |
For the office... |
(Baker's note: I discovered at the office that these go really well with my morning coffee!
Cookies have redeemed themselves.)
Stay tuned next week for the Honey Cookie Challenger!
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